Did ASB really use its initiative?

The decisions made by big banks come under more scrutiny than their smaller peers, such as Kiwibank.* And so they should. Whether it’s raising interest rates or external sourcing policies, the impacts of these decisions are felt far and wide.

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What's in a name?

Last time we looked, a bunch of letters. But what’s really in a name is often hidden from view. It’s not what you see, but how it makes you feel. Take Marque for example. If you didn’t know us you might, at most, give us a sideways glance.

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Brand designMarque
Saying the write thing

How things are said is just as important as what is being said. The language used to express values not only needs to inform, but to engage and serve as a call to action.

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Bread, butter and branding

How do you know when it’s time to rebrand?

Five questions you need to ask

How often should you rebrand? Every five years? Every 10 years? When you enter new markets? When you realise your identity sucks?

Now the questions and comments below offer pointers only. Brands do have use-by dates, but the trick is working out when their time is up.

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Auckland Story

Brand stories

Brand stories come in different guises.

Whatever the form, they shouldn’t be afraid of taking a position or indulging in a little hyperbole. Some will date or require revision, while others will stand the test of time.

Warren wrote this piece about Auckland 12 years ago, but in light of a recent event (the America's Cup win) he decided to give it another airing.

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